Monday, January 28, 2013

Trash TV.

I am really bad at blogging and it is really really sad that the only thing I can think to blog about is the bachelor episode I just watched....hopefully I can get it together and make this blog worth reading. In the mean time the bachelor will have to do. 

Is it just me or does this season extra ridiculous? I can't stand half the girls and about 90% of the things that are said are soooo cheesy! 

I really love Lesley she seems pretty solid and she is cute.

I have high hopes for Catherine too.

But I swear if the show starts with Sean shirtless one more time I might just lose my marbles. 

Hopefully soon the hubs and I will finally do something fun thats worth blogging about but until then life is happy and life is good!


  1. It's ok I totally watch the Bachelor too! The girls are ridiculous and Sean can be too sometimes!

    1. We totally watch the same shows I love it! Teen mom is my favorite!

  2. Haha! We watch too Whit! It's kinda hilarious and ridiculous!! :) Love ya!

    1. We should have Bachelor parties since Jake won't watch with me and we could talk about how crazy they all are! Love you!
